50Capsules per bottle : 1 bottle=P1400.00[BUY 3 just for P1299.00 each bottle!]
30Capsules per Blister : 1 Blister= 840.00[BUY 3 just for P799.00 each Blister!]
What Is VGCaps?
VGcaps is a nutritional food supplement in concentrate capsule form (500mg/capsule) that contains complete formulation of multiple anti-oxidants rich in nutrients and minerals working synergistically to neutralize and or combat the damaging effects of free radicals which causes various illnesses and diseases as well as premature aging.
The ingredients are a mixture of seven (7) powerful vegetables such as malungay, ampalaya, siling labuyo, saluyot, camote leaves, carica papaya and taro leaves aside from these minerals were added to promote alkalinity in the body and will serve as escorts in bringing nutrition in the trillion cell of the body.
VGCaps was processed under strict compliance of good manufacturing process and high technology that secure the potency of nutrients. Its high nutritional content may help people recover from various illnesses and diseases, such as all type of cancer, diabetes, heart disease, asthma, osteoporosis, arthritis, rheumatism, gout, lung problem, liver problem, kidney problem, ulcer, hemorrhoids, week eyesight, cataract, menopausal problems, dysmenorrheal, hormonal imbalance ,urinary tract infections, hypertension, insomnia, leukemia brain disorder, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer, Cerebral Disease, fibromyalgia, pre-mature aging and another kind of degenerative diseases.
VGCaps repairs body problems by supplying enough vitamins and minerals to the body to recover damages into normal way thereby reversing illnesses back into good health. It is formulated to serve all your body needs to recover from disease or maintain the way it should be.
VGCaps boots immune system and promotes body stamina. It detoxifies and cleanse the body, eliminates harmful body acids regulates normal blood circulation, prevents constipation, fight free radicals regenerates good cells, delays aging, reverse body problem and promotes over-all wellness.
3 General Functions of VGCaps
- For Cleansing and detoxification- VGCaps has the capability to cleanse our body most especially our intestines that are feed up with unreleased toxic waste that bars the absorption of nutrition from food we eat.
- For Re-balancing/cellular nutrition –cell regeneration process needs enough supply of nutrition from food to feed cells healthily cells that don’t have enough food will malfunctioned and pre-maturely die. VGCaps contain Philippine nutritious vegetables for cellular nutrition.
- For alkalizing - most people suffering from degenerative diseases are acidic and all degenerative diseases have started with cancer cell/s. cancer cell may form and grow called as neoplasm (neoplast). When the body is acidic the growth of cancer cells is easily accelerated that may result into cyst, tumor and to cancer or any kind of other disease. VGCaps contains minerals for fast alkalizing effect to stop and diminish the growth of cancer cells because cancer cells can’t grow in an alkaline environment.

- Called as “The Miracle Tree” in “Ayurveda medicine” by India healers.
- It is used to treat more than 300 kinds of disease.
- Powdered dried leaves can clean contaminated water
- Contains “Pterygospermin”, a bacterial and fungicidal compound that pushes its strong antibiotic property
- Good for skin treatment. Contains Lutien
- Anti-inflammatory in healing wounds and swelling
- Its juice can lower blood sugar in 3 hours
- Anthelementic - can kill intestinal worms
- For lactating mothers it increases milk production
- Acts as coagulant.
- Used for feeding livestock’s (mixed in feeds)
- Seeds contains Ben oil (behenic acid) used for cooking and beauty products.
- Used by HIV and AIDS infected individuals
- Continuous consumption increases sperm count
- Actively cultivated by AVRDC, the principal internationalcenter for vegetable research and development in the world.
- The only vegetable that is rich in iodine.Contains anthocyanidins that include apoptosis in humanpromyolocitic leukemia cells.
- Anthocyanidins (anthocyanins) are strong anti-oxidant with anti-tumural compounds that has chemopreventative action against cancer.
- Lower blood sugar and cholesterol in patients with type diabetes.
- Very good source of thiamin, riboflavin, iron, phosphorous, niacin, potassium, copper, manganese and zinc which are important in human body’s health maintenance and recovery from illnesses
- Used to relieve pain and itching, nasal congestion, colds, fever and headache
- Active ingredient is a compound called ‘CAPSAICIN’ which is cardio vascular stimulant.
- For obesity and add-on treatment of diabetes
- Anti-inflammatory – used for relieving pain and treating arthritis
- Rich in potassium, phosphorous, calcium, iron, vitamin A, B and C
- For poor appetite and improving digestion
- Contains momordicin used to treat type II diabetes and used to increase production of beta cells by the pancreas thereby improving body’s ability to produce insulin.
- Endorsed by the department of health (DOH)
- Used to treat skin disease, sterility in women and also function as purgative.
- Used for treating and preventing malaria and HIV infections.
- Used for health and beauty by the Egyptians like Cleopatra.
- Rich in beta carotene which is anti-oxidant ( ANTI-CANCER) and good for eyesight
- Rich in iron for healthy red blood cells.
- Rich in calcium, vitamin A,C and E which are all anti-oxidants.
- Regular consumption makes skin look younger.
- Used as dewormer
- Used as prophylaxis against malaria
- Rich in enzymes called as papain and chemopapain
- Papain is used to treat arthritis.
- Papain is used in treatment of cuts, rashes, stings and burns
Ex: Harrison ford used papain for treating his cuts and burns during an accident in the making of his movie entitled ‘INDIANA JONES’ and ‘TEMPLE OF DOME’.
Vegetables after harvest are directly processed in the vacuum dryer to maintain their potency. Vegetables are not dried in the sun because sun drying, cooking and other form of oxidation destroys the potency or efficacy of these vegetables. Vitamins and minerals in VGcaps beta-carotene, riboflavin (vitamin B2), vitamin C, calcium, phosphorous ,iron ,zinc, sodium, magnesium ,copper, and many more.
50Capsules per bottle : 1bottle=P1400.00[BUY 3 just for P1299.00 each bottle!]
30Capsules per Blister : 1Blister= 840.00[BUY 3 just for P799.00 each Blister!]
For Deliveries and Orders Contact sir Ralph :
SMART- 09198197183
we also accept bulk orders